The Dyslexia Myth that we have found to be most important is that a traditional Dyslexia Treatment is right for all students with Dyslexia.
Consider Lisa. Her parents had tried one dyslexia treatment after another. Then they were told about “The Dyslexia Treatment” that could really make the difference. $34000 later:
- Lisa’s reading comprehension was still at the 1st grade level, even though she was entering 5th grade
- Lisa’s reading speed was 115 words per minute. Grade Level reading should be about 175 words per minute for a 5th grader
- Our visual screening tool indicated that she probably skipped words and lines when reading
- Homework was taking 2.5 to 3 hours. This was 2 to 3 times what it should have been.
- Mom was reteaching almost everything, because Lisa was lost in class
We asked mom a few questions. Does your child:
- Remember details from events she experienced, even from years ago?
- Learn best when she sees and experiences information?
- Skip words and lines when reading?
- Lose focus in class and when doing homework?
- Get anxious or frustrated when taking tests or doing homework
Lisa Was a Visual Learner with Dyslexia and
an attention, eye-teaming and anxiety challenge?
The Dyslexia Myth that One Size fits all can be financially draining, exhausting and not deliver the desired result.
Mom was surprised to see the focus on how her child learned best and that her daughter had an identifiable and addressable eye-tracking issue.
Rather than set a decoding goal, we set the goals to:
- Improve reading comprehension by 3 grade levels in 6 months
- Increase Lisa’s reading speed by 50% from 115 to 173 words per minute
- Decrease homework time from 2.5 to 3 hours to 1.5 hours
The final results were that:
- Within 6 months Lisa increased her comprehension by 4 grade levels
- She doubled her reading speed
- Lisa was getting homework done in 1.25 hours and for the first time all mom had to do was check her work
- Lisa now liked reading and was doing much better in school
Many students with dyslexia are a visual learner with dyslexia and attention, eye-teaming and/or anxiety challenges. The dyslexia myth we would challenge is that a traditional dyslexia treatment is the only option.
We offer a no cost Success Assessment that screens for the visual learner and for attention and eye-teaming issues. Do this with your child. You will get immediate feedback and you can call for a no cost Stress to Success Strategy Session at 561-361-7495.
The post The Dyslexia Myth Parents Need to Know appeared first on 3D Learner.