Who’s at Fault When Children Fail?
Why Traditional Interventions are Failing Your Child
Now is the time for you to find out if your child learns differently and what is holding your child back.
You will receive the results immediately. Call 561-361-7495 for your personal, confidential conversation.
After helping thousands of smart struggling students succeed and two of my own, I realized there were critical questions that identified a learning difference and key issues that often hold students back.
- Does your child remember places visited, even from years ago?
- Does your child learn best when he or she sees and experiences information?
- Does your child lose focus when the information is boring or frustrating?
- Does your child skip words and/or lines when reading?
- Are your child’s reading comprehension and test scores lower than you expect them to be?
- Is your child far smarter than present results would indicate?
Two or three of these attributes often exist in the same child
Become a Mom on a Mission who capitalizes on your child’s strengths and interests
Now is the time for you to find out if your child learns differently and what is holding your child back.
You will receive the results immediately. Call 561-361-7495 for your personal, confidential conversation.
Below is The 3D Learner Story and a couple examples of how a mom on a mission made the difference
The 3D Learner Story
I remember the exact moment when it happened. I was sitting in yet another meeting about my child’s progress, but this time it was about her transition to high school. There were 8 members of the school staff, including the Assistant Principal and Guidance Counselor, and on our side was my daughter Julie, my husband Mark and me. The Guidance Counselor uttered the words that made me want to scream …
“Your daughter has a wonderful personality but her reading comprehension is 3 years below grade level, and SHE IS NOT COLLEGE MATERIAL. We think she should follow a vocational track for high school, so she can get a job when she graduates”
My husband turned to my daughter and asked, Julie, what do you want to be when you grow up?’ Without blinking an eye, she said, “I want to be the teacher I never had”.
“Well honey” The guidance counselor responded, “you can be a teacher’s aide”. It was at that moment that I became…
a Mom on a Mission
committed to my daughter’s success and not sure how we were going to get there. My child was frustrated, unhappy and still far below grade level. Something had to change.
I mean, I am a TEACHER, for God’s sake! I had been an educator for 20 years. I have my Master’s in Education from the University of Michigan, I knew my daughter better than anyone else and I KNEW they were barking up the wrong tree.
I found other professionals, like Dr. Linda Silverman from The Gifted Development Center, who had assessed thousands of students and discovered many were visual-spatial learners who looked at the world from a different perspective: they learned differently, they saw the world in pictures.
Did you know that nearly 2/3 of students learn differently – and most of them are under-performing?
(Based on research by the Gifted Development Center)
I realized I needed to develop a program that used this ability to open her world to reading. It worked. After doing research and training on multiple interventions, I developed the 3D Learner Program. This integrated program helped Julie improve her reading comprehension 4.2 grade levels in 7 months and reduced her anxiety. She was now above grade level and loved reading.
Julie went on to get her Master’s Degree in Special Education at the University of Florida. Today she is a National Board Certified Teacher teaching highly gifted students.
Since then, we have helped thousands of students achieve amazing success.
I lived through 8 years of struggles before developing a solution that worked for my daughter. DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES.
Here are the key mistakes we made:
- Trusting that our child’s school combined with outside traditional tutoring would improve her reading comprehension. It didn’t!
- I kept searching for what was wrong, and felt more testing would certainly uncover what was holding her back. It didn’t!
- I enrolled her in one dyslexia treatment after another, assured this was the answer. It wasn’t!
Here’s the truth. It wasn’t my fault. And it wasn’t my child’s fault. And in a way it wasn’t even the school’s fault—they were just using the tools they had. But I knew there had to be a better way to help our daughter succeed.
Now, that’s not to say my child didn’t have some issues to work through, but looking for what was wrong was not the answer By APPROACHING THE PROBLEM DIFFERENTLY we flipped the script. We discovered she learned differently and had amazing abilities.
From that moment on and for the last 20 years, my passion has been to help children succeed and help parents understand and capitalize on their child strength. Since then, we have helped over ten thousand parents understand their child’s STRENGTHS and challenges with our online assessment.
Shift Your Focus and Become a Mom on a Mission
Now is the time for you to find out if your child learns differently and what is holding your child back.
You will receive the results immediately. Call 561-361-7495 for your personal, confidential conversation.
“Someone Finally Gets Me”
That’s what your child will feel when they become a part of our program. We relate to the child with no judgment. Your child will feel a sense of relief when they finally find a place that understands how they think and learn. Enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that your child is on the path to success.
Mom on a Mission: KIM
When we first met Kim, she was at her wit’s end. A psychologist had told her that her two 4th-grade boys were dyslexic. Kim knew that her boys learned differently and the advice of the psychologist wouldn’t help.
That’s when Kim became a Mom on a Mission. She asked the psychologist if there was a different approach, and that’s when she learned about 3D Learner. It made all of the difference in the world.
Her boys got better at reading (a lot better). They improved their test scores. And, as you might guess, their self-esteem soared. They even learned how to advocate for themselves.
Fast forward…one of the boys is now at Harvard. And the other? MIT.
All because Kim became a Mom on a Mission
Mom on a Mission: Barbara
The teachers told Barbara that her daughter was in the 48th percentile in reading comprehension. She knew her daughter was smart so she set up an appointment with the principal. She asked if the school offered any programs so her daughter could reach her full potential.
The principal said that Barbara ought to just accept the reality that her child was average. Let me quote the principal here: “Barbara, your child is average. SOMEONE has to be average.”
That’s when Barbara became a Mom on a Mission.
Barbara started looking for answers and she found 3D Learner. After assessing her child, we worked together and designed the program that would help her daughter succeed. And it worked beautifully!
Within a year, Barbara’s daughter was in the 95th percentile. Not so “average,” right? She flourished as a person and graduated high school in the top 7%. Fulfillment replaced frustration. Delight replaced depression. And she still shares fondly about the whole experience.
A Mom on a Mission Can Make The Difference
So…How Do You Get Started?
Take our FREE Assessment. It will take about 10 minutes. If possible, you and your child should take the assessment together. (All information you share with us is strictly confidential.) This assessment will reveal everything you need to know. Receive the results immediately. Call us 561-361-7495 for a personal and confidential conversation about your child.
You will receive the results immediately. Call 561-361-7495 for your personal, confidential conversation.
The post Do You Have a Smart Struggling Child? appeared first on 3D Learner.