Dyslexia and Vision Issues are Often Seen as Separate Issues – at 3D Learner We Find Students with Dyslexia are Often Visual-Spatial Learners with Eye-teaming, Attention and/or Anxiety Challenges
Dyslexia and Vision issues are often seen as two separate and not related issues. People correctly say that vision therapy does not cure dyslexia, but try reading if you skip words and lines when reading.
Having done visual screenings on hundreds students with dyslexia, we have found that over 70 percent of these students had significant eye-teaming issues — that is, they often skipped words and lines when reading and their left and right eyes often do different things. We have also found that over 80% of the students identified with dyslexia are visual-spatial learners, who learn best when he or she sees and experiences information
5 Key Points About Dyslexia and Vision Issues and the Visual-Spatial Learner with Eye-teaming and Attention Challenges
1- Dyslexia and Vision issues are often not identified in the same child, even though the overlap may be significant
2- There is a good screening tool for eye-teaming issues that was designed by optometrists — the questions can be seen on our Vision Screening tool — this is part of our Success Assessment where we screen for learning differences, attention and eye-teaming issues.
3- Since the co-morbidity is between dyslexia, Learning Differences, Attention and Eye-teaming issues is high, you want to screen for all these factors.
4- We have seen significant gains when in months not years, when a student is taught the way he or she learns best and their attention, eye-teaming and related issues are addressed
5- A mom on a mission can make the difference. We have had parents make the following comments:
- “I asked my son why he never told me he skipped words and lines when reading or saw double and he said “I thought everyone did”, M Baird Boca Raton
- “We went to an ophthalmologist who said my daughter’s eyes were fine, now we discover her right eye goes never moves back and forth”, R. Stein, Tampa
“We spent $34000 on a dyslexia treatment with minimal gains, and our daughter improved her comprehension 4 grade levels in 6 months with the 3D Learner Program that taught to her strengths and identified and addressed her attention and eye-teaming issues”
If you have a child with dyslexia or suspected of having dyslexia, you may want to screen for a learning difference, eye-teaming and attention issues. Take our no cost Success Assessment, get immediate feedback and call us at 561-361-7495 for a Stress to Outrageous Success Strategy Session/
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